73. I'm still here

Can't believe I haven't written since January, its now May!! My 58th birthday has just passed so we've nearly been here 7 years and the house is still nowhere near done. It would be easy to feel we've not achieved much but alot of hard and time consuming work has taken place.
We created a vegetable garden from an area that was all grass and gorse, we've built a cabin which has been a big step up from our days living in the barn. We've installed a polytunnel, improved our water supply and have a working bath and Rayburn in the house.
 There's the beginnings of a small extension at the side of the house and the garden around it is in a much better state than when we first moved in. Everything takes so much longer here, bringing building materials over by boat and transporting them up here is not easy and has definitely taken a toll on my back but I would not want to be anywhere else. We're still amazed and often overwhelmed by the beauty of this place as well as all the work involved.
 So where are we now? In my last blog in December I was waiting to weed the veg patch. I waited a long time and have only just got round to it this week. It's nearly done though, and potatoes, onions, peas and garlic are all in the ground.
 Tomatoes, squash and courgette plants have just been moved from the cabin to the polytunnel and they all seem to be doing ok. I've sown more courgette and squash seeds this time. We've only just finished our last sweetmeat squash from last year, they all stored really well and have been used in soups, curries and stews. I've still got frozen tomatoes in the freezer, I'm hoping to do the same this year and make dishes to freeze to keep us going over winter. 
 The house renovation is feeling more achievable and we are starting to give serious thought to it. Rich is just finishing the shed he's been building with undercover shelter for Hector, our electric vehicle. The shed will be used to store our bits of furniture and other stuff that at the moment is in the house as obviously it needs to be clear for us to be able to work on it. An order has been made for insulation for the floor then we'll be able to screed over the top. After that the wood floor can be fitted. Hopefully that'll get us off to a good start and we'll be able to keep the momentum going.
 And of course, another thing that's been created is the pond. We're slowly adding plants to it and have dug a bog garden just next to it. We had quite a bit of frogspawn and now have alot of tadpoles. I love sitting by the pond and just watching it, so much life in it.
