75. Work begins on house once more 🎺

Work has commenced on the house once more. Rich has even committed loosely to it being completed for Christmas next year. I haven't managed to get it in writing yet but you never know. Hoping it's not too long as we are now without a bath. The excess electricity is now going to the air heaters outside the barn as both the hot water tank and Rayburn expansion tanks have been emptied and disconnected. It does feel more achievable at the moment so we're trying to get as much done before it wears off. That said, we still haven't screeded the floor. Rich wants to get another order of sand first just to be completely sure we've got enough. We have started replacing the joists though, we've got 3 in place up to now. It has given an idea of what it'll look like with a ceiling once more. 
The weather still hasn't improved much, really hoping we get some sunshine soon. Everything in the polytunnel seems to be doing okay but could really benefit from some warmer weather. 
I've started feeding the tomato and squash plants with a home made feed of nettle and comfrey, it smells awful but is meant to be beneficial. I'll keep going with it and see if it helps. 

It's been a good year for most of the roses this year, the climbers have finally grown enough to get out of the way of the deer and the wire we've put around the ones at ground level seems to be working. I'm still trying to weed the veg patch, it's much better than it was but we've had quite a bit of rain which seems to make them grow at double the rate.
I baked bread today, decided to make an extra effort and do 3 loaves and some cobs. I'll freeze some so it saves me doing anymore for a bit. 
So all is moving forward at the moment, hopefully we'll keep the momentum  going and make real progress by the end of the year. ❣️
