Despite all the good intentions to get the cabin roof finished, it's still not done. I'm not sure what we did instead but it really needs doing before the end of summer. I don't want to spend another winter worrying about the roof blowing away. It does seem difficult to finish jobs here.
We have been spending more time in the garden. I've been weeding the vegetable patch which had become very overgrown with chickweed, buttercups and clover. Our first early potatoes are nearly ready as are the garlic and Broad beans. We've lots of kale and chard so I'm trying to use them as much as possible. Runner beans are doing ok as are the onions and the peas. The only complete failure we've had is one bed of potatoes where only one plant has come up, we're not sure why. The cauliflowers are growing and the cabbages that haven't been eaten by mice are surviving.
Today has been cloudy and overcast so I've cleaned the small room out in the cabin which is going to be a bathroom. We've been using it as a storeroom but the shower tray arrived yesterday so hoping to make a start on it soon. I've been looking at tiles as we'll probably have the same ones in the kitchen and the bathroom. We still have no doors on the kitchen cupboards, we'd hoped to get them cut in Inverness but it's proving too much trouble so think Rich will do them himself. I'm hoping it won't be too long as at this rate we'll have no crockery left. Everytime we drop anything in the kitchen it always lands on a plate or bowl resulting in a breakage. It's happened 3 times now.
We've just returned from a week away visiting family in the Midlands. We had a fridge delivered to my sons house while we were there, they wanted £45 to deliver it up here. So we now have a fridge in the cabin which makes things much easier.
On our return we discovered the wind turbine wasn't working so we climbed up the hill to investigate. The wires have become twisted (it's happened before) so we have taken it down to sort out and decided to remove the blades, clean them and put resin on to protect them. They should be dry by tomorrow so we are planning to put them back on the turbine and hopefully it'll then be in full working order for the foreseeable future. While away I finally managed to watch the episode of Grand tours of Scottish lochs which had a piece about Scoraig, our wind turbine had a starring role. Rich was also there but he was hiding behind the camera so as not to be seen.
So, onward and upward. Still very much hoping we can complete the cabin this year. Then next year, really start to get somewhere with the house. We'd like it done before we start pulling our pensions if possible.
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