22. It's unbelievably hot!

It's been so hot this week,  it's difficult to get anything done. On the plus side it's stopping the midges in their tracks.
All the metal poles are now in for the polytunnel, we've not managed to finish it so for the time being have put wire fencing round the whole area and are using it as a vegetable patch. Rich has planted peas, onions, beetroot, cabbage and kale, I thought I'd better show willing so put a few of my nasturtium seeds in.
I've tidied up the front garden and have planted marigold, love in a mist and nasturtium seeds. Rich bought me a rose bush for my birthday which we also planted, it's supposed to be very fragrant so looking forward to it flowering. The honeysuckle flowers are just starting to open as are the fuchsia and the rosa rugosa. So lots happening.
We've been feeding a couple of blackbirds that have a nest in the garden, they've been venturing out with their young. Rich saw a barn owl a few nights ago in the field at the side of the house.
The sea has been calm so we've continued to fetch our building supplies across. We've now got all 77 dense (and very heavy) building blocks here and nearly all 3 ton of the sand and gravel. It's felt easier this time, I think we're now stronger and also we didn't fill the bags quite so full. When we load them into the boat it's really helped me to get into a rhythm with lifting them then passing them to Rich. Other exciting news is that after nearly a year of using the boat we've discovered we can get it to go alot faster if I sit towards the front rather than at the back with Rich. It only works if it's calm and the boat's not weighed down with building materials.
Work on the cabin continues, half of the foundation pillars are now in place. It's hard work, we have to bring the blocks up in the wheelbarrow. If I'm feeling energetic I can manage 2 at a time but otherwise it's just 1!
I'm still trying to get next winters wood supply put away, I'm collecting sticks from the wood and sawing some of the gorse we've cut down. The larger pieces I hold while Rich chainsaws them. It's a start!
It's hard to believe it'll soon be a year since we first arrived here. I'm so thankful we did.


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