It's just over a week since we returned from a 4 day trip to Marrakesh. We had a lovely stay, challenging at times but very enjoyable and it was amazing to feel the sun again. Although it was the start of their winter it was still hot during the day. We stayed in a magical hotel, visited some beautiful gardens and had an early morning balloon ride to watch the sun rise over the Atlas mountains.
We also collected another 2 windows while we were in the Midlands and luckily managed to get them back in one piece. We brought the frames over on the postboat on our return then a few days later went over in our boat to collect the glass which we'd left in the car. The sea was smooth and we left as soon as it was starting to get light. We loaded quite easily and then came back. Rich landed the boat near the end of the jetty, tied the rope to the jetty ladder, climbed out and I carefully passed the glass up to him. He then walked up the jetty to put them in the boat shed while we pulled the boat up. I was still in the boat and thought I'd help by getting out and starting to pull it up. Without thinking, I untied the rope. As the boat started to drift away, I panicked as I can't even start the engine. With hindsight I'd have been better sitting down and trying to row but instead I stepped off the boat hoping to reach the ladder but it was too far and I fell into the sea. Luckily I managed to keep hold of the boat rope and grab a rung of the ladder then shout Rich. He came running down the jetty wondering what the heck I was doing in the water. He had to help pull me out as the sea had filled my wellies and they were pulling me down. We pulled the boat up and got the glass loaded on Hector as quick as we could, I was feeling a bit cold for some reason. It was lovely to get back to the warmth of the cabin.
Rich has fitted the windows so work is still continuing on the house. They look wonderful, such an improvement. We fitted the glass today, it needed to be done to secure the house a bit as we've a weather warning for 80mph winds in a couple of days.
Last night at 3am, we heard a scrabbling sound in the cabin. I knew it wasn't tabby as she was in the bed beside me. Rich heard it too and we decided it was coming from the cupboard where I store bedding, dried food, sacks of flour and just about everything else. We got up and started removing everything out and onto the bed. Towards the end we could see quite a large mouse with amazing high jump abilities. Rich tried really hard to catch him while also blocking the way out with a large piece of wood. He nearly did it but the wood got caught on something and the mouse escaped and was now loose in the room. Tabbys mouse catching days are over and she was oblivious to the whole drama. We then lifted the boxes out from under the bed, no mouse to be seen. We put the stuff back in the cupboard and blocked the entrance so he couldn't get back in. We returned to bed and this morning started searching again. We found droppings under the fridge and realised he was most likely underneath the kitchen cupboards. We set a trap and caught a mouse in it tonight. It's sad and we don't like it but they're such a nuisance if they get inside. They pee everywhere and are so difficult to catch. I couldn't face hearing scuttling at night and not knowing where they are or what they're eating. So hopefully it was just the one and he hadn't been in with us very long. I suspect he came in the door when we've left it open for tabby. We're going to have to rethink that one.
It has made us more determined to get the house done. Having everything in one room isn't easy particularly when you have to turn it upside down hunting for a small creature.
I've not been feeling particularly Christmassy, I think I confused myself by going to Marrakesh and it feeling like summer. But we have now put a tree up and a few decorations so hopefully that'll help.
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