81. Renewed hope

We finally got to the end of January and I'm not quite sure where February went. The weather has continued to be cold and windy but it's been brighter which always feels better particularly as the days slowly get lighter. I've not planted any seeds yet, we've normally started the tomatoes off by now but I just haven't got round to it. I need to get on with it because it won't be long before it's time to start planting other things. We really need to give the polytunnel some tlc, the plastic is ripped in a couple of places and coming off from around the door. I did consider not growing anything this year and putting all our energy into the house but think I'd regret it. It's just difficult to find the time and energy to do both.
We've had another delivery of building materials, 6 tonnes of sand and gravel, joists, insulation and timber for the studded walls. I long for the days sometimes when I used to move into a house and my biggest concern would be what colour to paint the walls and what to put on the windowsill. Life with Rich has never been like that, I do know how fortunate I am though that he can do all the jobs himself and it's meant we've much more freedom to decide how we want things.
We are now preparing for the studded walls upstairs. We put temporary sterling board on the joists to create a working area. Rich has also kindly agreed to put the bath back in temporarily so we can bathe again. It was interesting seeing the boards go in as it gave an opportunity to see what it'll be like downstairs with a ceiling. I was worried it would seem very dark but it was ok. Also by standing on the boards upstairs we could decide better how to separate the space. We've now changed our plans and instead of a second bedroom have opted for a bigger bathroom. To try to fit 3 rooms into such a small space seemed unworkable particularly with the low eaves, and to have a spare bedroom when we'll have other places for friends and family to stay seems a bit of a waste. Rich has also started the first fix of wires for the electrics so I've started looking at light fittings. We're a bit restricted because of the low ceilings so they'll need to be flush fitting.
Outside, spring is slowly arriving. The daffodils are opening and the crocuses have all been eaten by deer. There are frogs in both ponds doing their thing and there seems to be quite a bit of frogs spawn. I was worried there were no frogs left as the heron makes regular visits and Rich saw him with a large frog hanging from his beak.
So, exciting times and things are moving on. There's still an amazing amount of work to do on the house but it does feel like we're really starting to get somewhere. Such hard work, overwhelming at times but it'll be worth it in the end.
