74. Tickety Boo!!

Well, it's now June and we're wondering if we had summer in May! It's been colder for the past couple of weeks, An Teallach has had a dusting of snow once more and the last few days we've had very heavy rain and the odd roll of thunder. The squashes and courgettes in the veg patch haven't grown that much, I suspect they were a bit shocked by the colder weather. Luckily the ones in the polytunnel have done better and we've had our first couple of courgettes. 

The ticks are having a spectacularly successful year so far, they're everywhere apart from the veg patch, presumably because the deer don't get in there. We've had to remove more than ever before, the tweezers have come in very handy. I think they often hitch a ride into the cabin on Tabby then decide to set up home on Rich or I. Some of them are tiny and Rich struggles to see them which is not good as when he's trying to remove one off me he tends to take a bit of skin as well. I'm now endeavouring to do my own tick removal, it'd be easier if I were a contortionist. I was horrified when we first started getting them but overtime you get used to them and just deal with it. The midges have also returned, if they're horrendous I stay in. It's just not worth trying to do anything outside. I don't like wearing a midge hood so it's easier just to wait until the sun comes out or the wind gets up.
We had a delivery of 4 tonne of sand and gravel. Up to now, with help, we've managed to move just over 2 tonne so it's going well. It is hard work though!!
I helped Rich to concrete the edges downstairs in the house ready for doing the whole floor in hopefully the next couple of weeks. Because we were only working with small amounts we took it in turns to mix the concrete in the wheelbarrow. I'm starting to turn my thoughts to planning the kitchen, a bit premature but you have to dream. We've decided to have the lower floor open plan, it's only a small space so think it'll look better like that. It'll let more light into the kitchen area and be easier to heat.
We also paid a visit to Corrieshalloch gorge, it's only down the road but we've never been. We picked up our shopping click and collect from Dundonnell then onto the gorge followed by lunch out in Ullapool. It was a lovely day although I was exhausted by the time we got home. It's the unloading of the shopping, pulling the boat into the water, loading the boat then repeating it all once you get over the Loch that finishes me off. It was worth it though. It's always very satisfying to fill the fridge and food cupboard up again and to have a choice of what you'd like for dinner.
