68. Trying to catch up

Spring has finally sprung, the daffodils are all out as are the primroses and the first leaves are just starting to unfurl on the birch trees. It's not been warm yet for any length of time but things are definitely moving in the right direction.
We've now been back nearly a week from a trip down to the Midlands visiting family. We'd planned to be away 10 days but ended up being a bit longer. Luckily my sister called in every day  to feed tabby and check on the tomato, leek and sweet pea seedlings. I'm sure we're a bit later with everything this year because of the cold weather. It now feels like a big rush to get everything done.
The day after our return the gas bottle ran out, we'd got a new one down at the house so both went down to fetch it as they're very heavy. Getting it up to the cabin isn't easy, the ground is boggy and uneven. I ended up hurting my back and it's taken until now to get moving again. We have decided we need to have some sort of cart/trolley for moving gas bottles.
My back was finally feeling much better today so I went to start work getting the polytunnel ready. I pulled some old salad leaves up that had gone to flower, weeded around the edges of the tunnel and swept lots of mud off the floor. I then planted courgette seeds, lobelia, corn flowers and cosmos. We then carried them up to the cabin to stand in the warmth until they come up.
The pond is a delight, I love to just sit nearby and see what I can see in it. There's so much life. As its started to warm up the tadpoles have appeared in their hundreds, I was worried all the ice might have killed the frogspawn. 
Fencing is still a priority, the deer are still eating anything and everything and despite thinking we'd secured the veg patch they can still get in. 
So the focus for now is on planting and gardening then you never know, we might have time and energy for the house. 
