59. Getting on with it!

It's been full steam ahead with planting now the weather has improved and we're both feeling better. The plan is to grow as much as possible, I'd like to be able to store some of our own veg for over winter. Rich has been working at extending the vegetable patch, we've nearly finished weeding it then it needs fencing securely to keep the deer out. We had a trip out to Inverness and bought compost, fence posts and wire. We can only manage 15 posts at a time as we have to carry them on the roof rack so will need another trip before we've enough. I've been sowing seeds in the polytunnel, another lot of cauliflower, 4 different varieties of squash, courgettes, basil have all been planted. I've also sown flower seeds, calendula, orange cosmos and viola. Nasturtiums seeds have gone in the planter just outside the polytunnel.
The first lot of potatoes are sending out their first green shoots, we've mulched them using last years old hay. It's wonderful to see the garden coming back to life, primroses are out, wild geraniums are in bud and everything else is springing back to life. There's lots of tadpoles swimming about in our new pond and I suspect Mrs Blackbird who is still with us has a nest with young as she regularly swoops down to collect worms while we're busy weeding the veg beds. Most of our fruit trees have blossom so hopefully it'll be a fruitful year.
So for the time being we're focusing on the garden. Hopefully at some point we'll find the time and inclination to finish work on the cabin and maybe even start on the house.
