This year has been our best so far. We've managed to grow a lot more vegetables which has been very rewarding. We're having our last cauliflower tonight, I will definitely grow more next year. We've eaten about 3 cabbages so far and have about another 8 still in the ground. Kale and spinach are still growing in abundance, might grow a bit less next year. Runner beans, broad beans, peas, carrots, tomatoes and squashes have all done quite well. Some of the beef tomatoes went mouldy quite early on, we think it's because they need more space. We could do with another polytunnel double the size of the one we've got. Our next lot of potatoes are almost ready so am looking forward to digging them up and seeing what they taste like. As we clear areas in the veg plot, I'm weeding it then going to put seaweed down, we need to keep improving the soil.
My younger sister and husband have moved in with us, they're inbetween house moves. They're planning on moving much closer which will be exciting. They've brought their lovely old labradour Maisie with them, Tabby is extremely unimpressed and has taken to hanging around the barn (where they're staying) to try and ambush the poor dog. Tabby seems to have a new lease of life, instead of sleeping on the bed all day, she's out defending her land and property.
My sister and I have just returned from a trip down to the Midlands for my Aunties funeral. It was very hectic as we flew down one day, went to the funeral the following day and then flew back the next. Rich decided to try some deep sea diving while we were away. After dropping us off at Inverness Airport he'd arrived back on the boat at low tide. He decided to leave the boat tied at the bottom of the jetty and wait for the sea to rise. He waited a bit too long and hadn't realised that it was a high, high tide. By the time he got there, the ropes were about 5 feet under water so in order to be able to undo the knots he had to dive under to find them. He did this with his phone in his pocket which he then had to put outside that night as it started heating up rather intensely. So he now needs a new phone although he did manage to rescue the sim card. There's never a dull moment for too long around here.
The cabin roof is almost finished, there's just some small pieces of edging still to do. I've volunteered to do the oiling, the whole cabin needs doing so plan to start that in the next week or so. Rich has started plastering the small room inside the cabin which will be split in two to make a shower room and a store cupboard. Unfortunately everything I was storing in there, tinned food, sacks of flour, towels, bedding, photos and clothes are now all piled up in the living area of the cabin so everything is all a bit messy. But once Rich puts the shelves up I can have a proper sort out and hopefully store things in a more orderly fashion. Then when the cabin is completely finished we can get on with the house!!
The fly agaricus are magical this year, every day we get up and more have miraculously appeared overnight. They make the walk through the wood seem like a fairy kingdom.
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