32. Feels like we're getting somewhere.

 Well, the good weather didn't continue. Its been wet, cold and very windy. We've carried on working on our wood supply. Much of the gorse we cut back last year is now chopped and stored.  We also shared a delivery of logs with a neighbour so on the only calm day last week we did 3 trips across the Loch to bring them over. The woodstore is the fullest it's ever been. I was hoping we'd managed to get a year's supply put away but when I asked Rich he thought it was more like 4 months. So we need to keep working at it and also need another woodstore.

Rich has a wood delivery arriving next week so we'll be able to continue working on the cabin.  I'm hopeful we can really get moving on it and be living there by Christmas. It'll be our temporary home until the house is ready. We're still deciding the layout for the house, we want it as open plan as possible. We also want to allow more light in downstairs so are looking at ways to make that possible. Where to put the staircase is something we need to think carefully about, they need so much space!

We have made a decision on how we're going to heat the house. We've bought a second hand Rayburn, it'll also heat the water and a radiator and I'll be able to use it for cooking. We're fetching it in a couple of weeks although getting it into a van, onto a boat and finally to the house will be quite a challenge.
The plan is to get it in place as soon as possible and get it running so that with the hot water we can have the sheer luxury of having a bath. We'll just install a bath in the easiest place for now. Can't wait!

So progress is slow but steady. We're still trying to put time into the garden. I've planted a couple of rose bushes and Rich has done lots of gorse shredding. We're both trying to keep the brambles down and the weeds to a minimum. The wood is coming back to life, the first leaves are starting to open. It's felt a long winter and it's still not finished. Hopefully we'll get some brighter weather soon so being outside is more enjoyable.
