30. Renewed enthusiasm

We are finally feeling much better and are managing to get things done. We went across the loch on our boat and fetched 20 bags of sand and gravel across. It was very calm so we managed to do it in one trip, we'd also planned it at high tide so didn't have to pull the boat up very far when we'd finished. The following day it was windy enough to use the cement mixer, so after we'd put a damp proof membrane (plastic sheet!) down we started work. I'm getting quite skilled at mixing cement. It's very similar to mixing a cake although the sand and gravel is slightly heavier than flour. Because you have to lift them up quite high to tip them into the cement mixer, I now put a crate there to enable me to put one foot on so that I lift the bag onto my knee before tipping it into the mixer. I really struggle to lift them otherwise. It took us a couple of hours but we've now got the first layer of the first segment of the kitchen floor cemented. There's lots more to do but we're making progress.

The weather has been very mixed, when it's stopped raining we've been gardening.  I've started weeding the front bit of garden, the marigolds have kept flowering as it's not been cold enough to kill them off. The crocuses Rich planted have flowered and some of the daffodils aren't far off. Overall the winter has been quite mild. Inside, Rich has sown cauliflower, lupin, delphinium and viola seeds.

Work on the cabin has started again. We've started putting the decking down and the frames for the walls. It would be amazing if we could get it done this year. I wonder what it'll be like to have a bathroom once more. It's nearly 6 weeks now since either of us had a bath or shower! We're hoping to get to Ullapool in a couple of days to remedy that. This is the longest we've gone without bathing but with being ill we've just not felt like going out. I've made do with the washing up bowl in front of the fire.

The woodstore is completely depleted, I'm going to have to make a greater effort this summer to get more put away. We cut a tree down a few days ago, it had been dead for sometime. It wasn't very big so once Rich had cut it into sections with the chainsaw, I managed to split the logs quite easily.  We found a few big branches to chop so at least for the time being have a bit of firewood. There's lots more gorse to chop but everywhere is still so wet, hopefully we'll have some sun soon.

So we're feeling much more positive and enthusiastic about what we need to do. We just need to get on with it now and actually complete something.
