20. Spring has finally sprung

Wonderful weather this week so feeling much more inspired. We've just returned after 3 weeks visiting family in the Midlands, lovely to come back to a garden of daffodils. The land has finally dried out and the grass on the pathways is slowly recovering. Today we planted potatoes in the croft and as it was such a lovely day I fetched lunch from the byre and we ate outside. I've chopped our last logs which will hopefully now see us through, we lit the fire when we returned just to warm the place through but have not had it on since. There's still some old wood from the house to saw and I've started filling the nearly completed log store with next winters supply. As we've been away for 3 weeks and took Tabby with us, mice have returned to the byre. There were  droppings all over the worktop, my pillowcase had a large hole chewed in it and my pastry brush no longer has any bristles, it's just a stump. There's been no activity since we got back so hoping they've left again, I'm sure Tabby would have found them if not.
 We've visitors coming to stay this weekend so are going to make ourselves a temporary bedroom in the house, hopefully Tabby will follow us and get rid of any mice that are hanging about.
Rich has sown onion seeds which are now coming up as are some sweet peas. The broad beans in the raised bed are continuing to do well. It's wonderful to be spending time outside so am hoping the warm weather continues.
 We've been having discussions about the renovation of the house and are considering building a one room cabin with toilet and shower for us to live in for the short term. That would free the byre for guests and with an enormous amount of effort we might even get it done this year, we shall wait and see.


