17. Making a start.

The year has got off to a good start and we're both feeling energised and determined. The last few days have helped, it's been warmer, brighter and drier. Last week we went to Inverness for a food shop, it's the first one since before Christmas. We managed to get a cheap travelodge overnight so we could take our time and have the luxury of a bath, we've not had one of those since before Christmas either! I tried to do a bigger shop than normal just in case we don't get out again for a bit. I bought some reduced Christmas bargains, a couple of cheeses and a half price Christmas cake. We went to a salvage yard near Inverness where Rich managed to get some scaffolding poles which he's going to use to make a polytunnel, we also went to toolstation before setting back where Rich bought me a belated Christmas present, a splitting axe! I've been sawing wood from the house to burn but we now have some logs which need splitting once Rich has cut them with the chain saw.
On our return journey it's always a relief to find our boat still waiting for us at the jetty, I always worry it might have got pulled out to sea never to be seen again. We unloaded, I managed to lose the Christmas cake when it fell out the car and rolled away. Rich found it leaning against the concrete blocks we still haven't fetched. We put all our bags on the jetty ready to be loaded into the boat, out of the corner my eye I saw one of them slowly fall over and an apple fell into the sea. I ran and put the bag upright by which time the apple had bobbed up to the surface. It wasn't until we were back and unpacked that I realised the Christmas cake was missing,  I'd a vague impression that I'd seen something fall in before the apple.
We've done another trip across the loch to fetch the rest of our concrete blocks and some more of our wood. We also picked up a couple of bags of hen food for a neighbour, one of which burst when we ran over after it fell off the quad. We spent the best part of an hour trying to pick the individual pellets off the track.
Rich has started the block work on the foundations for the extension, hard work! I've been learning how to use the splitting axe which wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Some of the larger logs I've just had to persevere with until eventually I overpower them. It's amazing how I can bring the axe down with all my strength just to have it bounce off the log. I'm enjoying it though, it's very satisfying when it finally splits and it burns so much slower than the wood from the house.
As promised I've included some photos of the interior of the house, hopefully it will improve as the year progresses. Now we've finally got all our concrete blocks over Rich is going to order some more so we can do it all again. Happy New Year. 

 My foot went through the floor while I was taking a photo.
