1. The desire for change.

After Christmas 2017

We (my husband and I ) have decided we need a change. It feels like we're stagnating and it's getting harder to find meaning in our lives.Vague plans to go to France for a year and live off the land start to lose their appeal. I start looking at properties to rent in Scotland, I come across a 2 bedroom de-crofted stone cottage for sale with 3/4 acre garden and just over 1 acre of croft land available. There is also an adjoining byre, partly renovated.

We make an appointment to view the property and on the 29th January set off. It's going to take over 9 hours to get there so we book into a travelodge to split the journey and so arrive at the jetty on the morning of the 30th. We're getting a lift across the loch with the post-boat, the property known as Ali Shornets is on a peninsular and the boat is quicker, otherwise it's a 5 mile walk.There's no vehicular access.

                                          One of the views towards the end of our journey

After a calm crossing we arrived, the frost had cleared and it was a beautiful day. I thought when I saw the property I'd know straight away if it was for us or not, I didn't!  The views were amazing but the thought of being so cut off and miles away from family and friends seemed frightening. I felt the decision really rested with Rich (my husband) as he'd be the one doing the renovation and there was clearly alot of work to do. The house we were presently living in wasn't quite finished and before that we'd spent a year in Wales renovating a small cottage and I knew Rich wasn't that keen on doing another one.

The view from the front garden

Ali Shornets

We left to catch the boat back across the loch unsure as to what our decision would be. I think we were both tired from all the travelling, we needed a nights rest before we could decide. It was now late afternoon and starting to get dark, it was turning colder and the sea much rougher than it had been earlier. My youngest son Joe (21) had come with us, he's never been keen on water. As a baby he'd scream from the moment he was put in the bath to the moment he got out. We got on the boat and decided to stand as the seats were very wet and we weren't wearing waterproof trousers. Joe stood in front of me facing into the sea. Everytime the boat dipped down Joe got a face full of water, it was like someone just throwing a bucket of water over him on repeat. I started laughing hysterically (it's a medical condition as yet undiscovered) Joe has unfortunately inherited it and he started laughing too. We were completely convulsed for the entirety of the journey across, Joe was soaked by the time we got off, he had to sit on a blanket in the car. Rich and I were completely dry.

We drove just over 3 hours to reach the travelodge where we were spending the night before setting back the following morning. Upon waking we both agreed (fortunately) that we had to go for it. Neither of us were without reservations but we both felt we'd regret it if we didn't at least try to make it happen. I made a bargain with myself that we'd put our house in the midlands up for sale and if it was meant to be then it would all work out. The stumbling block was that our house was a way off being finished, bathroom tiling not done, kitchen electrics, no stair or landing carpet etc, etc.


  1. I've just found your blog on fb and I plan o reading it all in order incase you start getting random comments on posts from 2 yrs ago. So excited to see how things are going. ��

    1. Thank you, hope you enjoy it. I try to keep it real. x


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